Positive Environmental & Social Impact

Our stated Mission is to deliver Value with Accountability (“A”), through Teamwork & Transparency (“T”), and with Benefit for All (“B”). A key focus, and outcome, of our Mission is the Environmental & Social Impact of what we do, which is delivered and positively evident in many ways.

Environmental Impact

By using rice husk to generate electricity, we avoid greenhouse emissions that would otherwise result through the carbon cycle, (i) from rice husk that would otherwise be burned or decay in fields, (ii) by the displacement of non-renewable energy, and (iii) substitution of our ash instead of more energy intensive ash and silica sources.

The operation of A.T. Biopower has been certified to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by, on average, 59,222tCO2 (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) each year. With improvements in efficiency and growing interest in the rich silica content of ash as a green substitute for sand-based sources, it is likely that the quantum of carbon avoidance will increase further.

Social Impact

Aside from its many CSR activities, A.T. Biopower has delivered, and continues to deliver, a positive social impact in many ways, including:

  • Creation of jobs, with direct employment of more than 70 staff at the power plant in Bang Mun Nak, Phichit.
  • Assuming leadership in equality, including in gender equality, with the aim to source, nurture, and promote, local talent.
  • Economic multiplier effect on the local community, including indirect employment by the many local service providers that support the power plant.
  • Improved air quality, both through avoidance of waste being incinerated in fields and through clean energy generation.
  • Return of economic benefit, through purchase of waste, to some of the most impoverished members of the community.
  • Education, including of the next generation of leaders.

Sourcing, upskilling, and promoting local staff.

In the Community

We are proud to call Phichit our home and do our utmost to be a good corporate citizen and deliver on the trust that has been placed in us by the local community.

The operation of A.T. Biopower has been certified to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by, on average, 59,222tCO2 (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) each year. With improvements in efficiency and growing interest in the rich silica content of ash as a green substitute for sand-based sources, it is likely that the quantum of carbon avoidance will increase further.

Aside from directly funding projects, we actively participate in the local community, including in health, wellbeing, education, cultural and other events, working closely with community leaders, government agencies, charities, and schools, amongst others.

This includes going out into the community, to support and host events promoted by good causes and to celebrate the district’s rich culture.

We actively encourage staff participation in community events and are proud of the time and commitment they show, and the positive impact they deliver.

The trust placed in us by the community does not go unchecked, however, with feedback periodically solicited to ensure we are on the right track and do not become complacent.

This has included Shareholder meetings with community leaders.

Community, Environmental & Social Engagement at Work
We are proud to share some examples of our tea, and the Community Fund, at work:

Engaging with the Community Celebrating Local Culture Enriching Quality of Life Delivering Economic Benefit

Engaging with the Community

A.T. Biopower is highly visible in the local Community, leading and participating in many activities, whether business, social, celebratory, or well-being.

A notable example is the Bang Mun Nak Community Coffee Council, which was conceived in 2005 and is still going strong.  It has helped bring together leaders from across the Community, to solve issues, generate new ideas, and deliver on Community needs.

Many new local businesses can trace their roots to these events.

Celebrating Local Culture

Thailand (and Bang Mun Nak) has a rich heritage and A.T. Biopower recognises, and accepts, that it has a major role to play in celebrating local culture and perhaps instilling new traditions.

Examples include funding long boat racing, funding and participating in events honouring the Chakri Dynasty, Songkran, Loy Krathong, and celebrating the birthday of H.M King Rama X.

Enriching Quality of Life

A.T. Biopower enriches the quality of life of many, in many ways, including through economic empowerment (see next slide), education, environment (clean air), and care for the most vulnerable in the Community.

A.T. Biopower is especially proud of its strong connection with the local school, with financial and practical support for renovation of the school hall and scholarships for students, some of whom have gone on to return to the Community as qualified nurses and teachers.

Initiatives supporting the vulnerable, installing drainage, electricity, and post-storm support, as well as safety rails and Community exercise areas, are among the many highlights A.T. Biopower can point to.

Delivering Economic Benefit

A.T. Biopower delivers economic benefit to the Community in many ways, both directly and indirectly.

Its policy of hiring, and nurturing, local talent has created an educated and economically empowered workforce, with consequent economic multiplier effect on the local Community.

The purchase of waste (rice husk) returns economic benefit to some of the most impoverished members of the Community, and programmes such as a Career Promotion Project for Agricultural Product Processing, which included training and study tours, has helped elevate locals out of poverty.

Heart of the Community – a Recent Example
  • Thailand is a country rich in heritage, where H.M. King is deeply revered.
  • A.T. Biopower recently arranged an event to bring the community (including staff, community leaders, school children, and others) together to celebrate the occasion of the 72nd birthday of H.M. Rama X:
  • It was an idea generated by the team and is illustrative of A.T. Biopower’s commitment to be at the heart of the community and be a catalyst as a force for good.