Carbon Offset
Carbon Credits And Offset

Carbon credits, carbon offsets, and carbon markets are all part of a system designed to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. They afford people, companies, and governments a means of taking ownership of their carbon footprint and back eco-friendly projects, such as A.T. Biopower and its stakeholder community, that balance out their emissions.
Carbon credits and carbon offsets are financial instruments that represent the reduction or removal of greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. A carbon credit typically represents one metric tonne of CO2 while a carbon offset typically refers to a project or action that facilitates emission avoidance equivalent to one metric tonne of CO2.
Carbon credits and offsets are created through projects and activities aimed at reducing emissions. It is subject to a rigorous assessment process, to ensure the legitimacy and accuracy of emission reductions.
How Are Our Credits Produced And Verified?
By using rice husk to generate electricity, we avoid greenhouse emissions that would otherwise result through the carbon cycle, from (i) rice husk that would otherwise be burned or decay in fields, (ii) displacement of non-renewable energy, and (iii) substitution of more energy intensive ash and silica sources.
The operation of A.T. Biopower has been certified to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by, on average, 59,222tCO2 (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) each year. With improvements in efficiency and growing interest in the rich silica content of ash as a green substitute for sand-based sources, it is likely that the quantum of carbon avoidance will increase further.
A.T. Biopower has issued offset certificates in the form of both CDMs and I-RECs.

Carbon Credits (Clean Development Mechanism)

Our power plant is certified to issue carbon credits under the Clean Development Mechanism, as defined under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Certification follows an independent audit, with the power plant first registered as a CDM project on 18 June, 2007, and the latest crediting period extending out until 20 December, 2026.
I-RECs (International Renewable Energy Certificates)

Our I-RECs are independently certified by EGAT under the I-REC Standard, an international reporting standard acknowledged by leading reporting frameworks including the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP), CDP, and RE100.
Why Should I Purchase Carbon Credits Or Offsets?
There are several compelling reasons:
Environmental Impact: By purchasing, you contribute to projects that actively reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions, making a positive impact on the environment.
Corporate Social Responsibility: By purchasing, you showcase your commitment to climate change, to stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, and the communities in which you operate.
Mitigate Risk: By purchasing, you proactively manage the risk of carbon pricing and regulatory obstacles.
How Can I Purchase Carbon Credit And Offsets?
We typically make certificates available for sale shortly following the end of each quarter.
The price of the carbon offset is subject to market dynamics, including supply and demand.
If you are interested in purchasing credits, whether as a one-off or a long-term arrangement, Please contact us