Electricity Generation

The primary business of A.T. Biopower is electricity generation, managing and treating agricultural waste (rice husk) to generate clean electricity, 24 hours per day.  The business was established, and is regulated under, and in accordance with, the SPP (Small Power Producer) framework of Thailand.

With installed generating capacity of 22.5MW gross, the power plant is capable of exporting more than 20MW net, which is sold to EGAT (Electricity Generation Authority of Thailand) under a long-term Power Purchase Agreement.  EGAT is a leading player in the market, is state-owned, and is supervised by the Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Finance.

The renewable nature of the electricity generated by A.T. Biopower, with the power plant fueled using natural and replenishable sources, helps support the sustainability ambitions of EGAT.  Given the power plant’s ability to operate 24 hours each day, throughout the year, it is an ideal complement to other renewable sources, including solar, in their overall portfolio mix to provide balance and support Thailand’s clean energy transition.

Bio Circular Green

Leading the green energy transition in Thailand

The electricity generation model of A.T. Biopower is also consistent with, and supportive of, the BCG (Bio-Circular-Green) economic framework promoted by the Government of Thailand, in that our power plant is not only generating clean and renewable energy, but is also helping to drive the sustainability transition in the communities, by receiving and treating agricultural waste, sharing economic benefit with local economies, and working with third parties to develop and apply new technologies to take the business to the next level, with the aspiration of zero waste.

The unique design of our power plant, coupled with improvements over recent years, strongly positions A.T. Biopower to be a reliable, efficient, and sustainable component of the Thailand energy mix for many years to come.

Confidence in the future, and A.T. Biopower’s place in Thailand’s clean energy transition, is evidenced by results, with the power plant continuing to set new records, in efficiency and output, with more on the horizon.  Our aspiration is continuous improvement, working smarter and greener, and growing awareness of climate change, and wider acceptance of the need for change, is presenting new opportunities, which are being explored, for the benefit of all.